Spinal Adjustment FAQ
Spinal adjustment is almost synonymous with chiropractic care. Modern chiropractors typically offer several types of treatment to their patients, including spinal decompression therapy, laser therapy, and massage, but spinal adjustment [...]
Causes of Chronic Joint Pain and How You Can Treat It
The knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone-- and they are both connected with joints. Joints connect all the bones in your [...]
4 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Immune System During the 2020 School Year
Even before COVID, school year illness was expected, all those bodies backed together during the flu season = more sick days. No one can keep themselves or their kids from [...]
Getting Back to Working Out After an Injury
After an injury or a surgery, you might feel like all the fitness gains you've made were for naught, like you’re back at square one. This can be frustrating and [...]
3 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Nervous System
The nervous system is one of the most complex and mysterious systems of the body. It includes the brain, spinal cord, and all the peripheral nerves that run down your [...]
Chiropractic FAQs
We’ve put together this list of our patient’s most commonly asked questions to help you better understand chiropractic care. If you have a question that you don’t see here, please [...]
Prevention and Treatment of Common Summer Injuries
Summer can be full of fun: swimming, bicycling, sports-- there’s a lot to do once the weather turns warm. Unfortunately, some summer activities can also lead to injury if you [...]
Chronic Back Pain: Causes and Treatments
Back pain is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits and missed workdays. There are two types of back pain: acute and chronic. Acute back pain lasts for [...]
Why Your Spinal curves are Important
If you’ve ever looked at the posters and anatomy models in your doctor’s or chiropractor's office, you might have noticed that the human spine has curves. Most people don’t think [...]
The Seven Most Common Types of Chiropractic Adjustment
If you are suffering from a sore back or joint, chiropractic care is usually recommended as a first-line treatment. Chiropractors can realign vertebrae in your back that may be out [...]
How Chiropractic Care Can Boost Your Immune System
Your best defense against infections, including Covid-19 and the regular flu, is your immune system. When it’s under attack from all sides, an extra boost can make all the difference. [...]
Inflammation Fighting Foods You Can Grow
Fresh vegetables and fruits from your own garden are a treat and a part of a healthy lifestyle. Now is the time to start planning your garden so you [...]