Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder or the Winter Blues in West MI
How to Naturally Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder: Tips for Beating the Winter Blues in West Michigan Overcast skies are common during the colder winter months. Grand Rapids averages just [...]
4 Everyday Habits That Are Damaging Your Heart
As we turn the corner into February, some of us are doing better than others on our New Year’s Resolutions. There’s no rule against starting fresh in February. In fact, [...]
Managing Pain Naturally
Millions of Americans deal with some form of musculoskeletal pain. Many things can cause chronic pain. For some, it’s an acute injury that never fully healed. For others, it's a [...]
Spinal Adjustment FAQ
Spinal adjustment is almost synonymous with chiropractic care. Modern chiropractors typically offer several types of treatment to their patients, including spinal decompression therapy, laser therapy, and massage, but spinal adjustment [...]
How Chiropractic Care Can Help You Reach Your New Year’s Wellness Goals
Many Americans are already thinking ahead to the new year and the goals they hope to achieve in 2022. Surveys show that most New Year’s Resolutions are health-related. Hitting the [...]
Why Text Neck is More than Just a Nuisance
Anywhere you go, you see people staring down at their phones. The phrase “text neck” was coined to describe the phenomenon of more people experiencing neck pain because of technology [...]
How to Focus on Wellness During the Holidays
Depending on when you read this, you are probably either gearing up for Thanksgiving or getting serious about tackling your holiday to-do list after the big meal. Either way, we [...]
Treatments That Support Natural Healing
Our bodies have impressive healing capabilities, but sometimes they need some support to work as intended. Many “treatments” for pain and injury, like opioids and muscle relaxants, are band-aids that [...]
The Best Core Strengthening Exercises for Your Fall Workout Routine
As summer sports and workout routines come to an end, it’s a good time to start putting together a routine for the colder months. Many people find themselves sitting more [...]
What Your Chiropractor Wants You to Know About Back and Joint Health
Musculoskeletal problems like joint pain and osteoarthritis affect half of all people over the age of 18 in the United States. Unfortunately, funding for research into musculoskeletal conditions has waned [...]
Commonly Asked Questions About Spinal Decompression Therapy
Spinal decompression therapy is a non-invasive, innovative treatment that has been healing patients' back pain for over ten years. It uses computerized traction to create negative pressures between the vertebrae, [...]
5 Amazing Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Kids
It’s that time of year again when most children around the country are returning to school. This year many of them will be back in classrooms and participating in school [...]